The Family

The Family

About Me

We are the Hills and we have 5 fabulous children, Heidi (12) Anthony (10) Travis (7) Katie (5) and Brandon (3)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I'm not good at this blogging business!

Okay, so I stink at blogging. Facebook is way easier. So much has happened since I last posted that I could never catch up. We went to San Francisco as a family for spring break, maybe I will even try to remember how to put pictures on here again and post some of them.

Saturday Chris and I are running in the Ogden half marathon, so we have been getting ready for that. I am really hoping to beat my time from the last two years. Yes, both years I had the same time, oh wait, no the second year I was a second slower. Yeah that stank. Third's a charm right!

I can't wait for school to be out! I am really burned out from doing homework, and it will be fun having the kids around for the summer. Three cheers for summer!


Motley Mom said...

Is the ogden 1/2 what you've been training for? I was thinking it was the Wasatch Back (what do I know...maybe it's both).

I'm with you on being done with homework and projects, but I don't know if I'm ready for Kaylinn to be gone all summer or to be 24/7 with the boys!!

Chris and Keri Hills Family said...

I've been training for both!:)